Release beneficial insects into your fields at the right time and in the exact place they are needed with our drone delivery system.
Some pests are predictable and some take you by surprise.
In either case, invasive and destructive pests are not something you want in your field.
Our drone services offer early detection and effective pest management which are crucial for minimizing crop damage and ensuring a successful harvest.
If pest infestations are not detected and managed promptly, they can lead to catastrophic losses in a relatively short time frame.
Drone-delivered insects help you work smarter to protect your crop.
Our drone delivery system of beneficial insects helps you manage your pest with timeliness and precision. This all-natural solution is great for organic farmers in particular!
Faster application with more even dispersion than hand-application.
Treat up to 300 acres per day by drone
50-80% savings on application cost versus traditional hand-method application
What kind of solutions do we offer?
Target Problems: Aphids, Spider Mites, Thrips, Small Caterpillars
Crops Affected: Citrus Orchards, Vegetable Crops
Parasitic Wasps
Target Problems: California Red Scale, Army Worms, Loopers